Navigating Global Demand
Surge: Swift Hiring of Paid
Media Strategists

Client: Global Digital Marketing Agency
Challenge: Meeting Overwhelming Business Influx with Urgent Paid Media Talent Acquisition

Navigating Global Demand
Surge: Swift Hiring of Paid
Media Strategists

Client: Global Digital Marketing Agency
Challenge: Meeting Overwhelming Business Influx with Urgent Paid Media Talent Acquisition

Navigating Global Demand
Surge: Swift Hiring of Paid
Media Strategists

Client: Global Digital Marketing Agency
Challenge: Meeting Overwhelming Business Influx with Urgent Paid Media Talent Acquisition


This global Digital Marketing Agency, operating on a worldwide scale, faced a formidable challenge as a large wave of new business opportunities flooded in. With the existing paid media team stretched thin, the agency struggled to accommodate the sudden workload. To ensure uninterrupted quality service for their expanding client base, the agency needed to expedite the hiring process to bring on board five experienced paid media strategists who could effectively manage the surge in demand.


Capacity Gap: The influx of new business exceeded the paid media team's capacity.
Expertise Requirement: The agency needed seasoned paid media strategists who could handle intricate campaigns and strategic planning.
Rapid Response: The agency had to move swiftly to acquire five new paid media strategists to address immediate business demands.


Hire Paid Media Strategists: Recruit five experienced professionals to promptly tackle the surge in new business.
Advanced Strategies: Ensure the new hires could deliver high-level campaign strategies and manage complex, intricate projects.
Speedy Hiring: Secure candidates rapidly in order to meet the pressing needs of the inflow of new clients.


Aggressive Talent Sourcing:
We collaborated closely with the agency's internal HR team in order to outline the necessary criteria for experienced paid media strategists. Then, we quickly leveraged a comprehensive array of industry-specific job boards, social networks, and niche forums to identify potential candidates. Finally, we leveraged staffing agencies and networking events to tap into a broader talent pool.

Accelerated Evaluation Process:
Conducted interviews to assess strategic thinking and project management. Employed real-world scenarios to gauge ability to handle campaign challenges. Scrutinized past campaign portfolios and performance results to ascertain their capabilities.

Rapid Presentation of Candidates:
Within 18 days, presented a shortlist of ten highly-qualified candidates to the client. Provided profiles, interview feedback, campaign samples, and references to aid the client's decision-making process.


Successful Hires: The client hired five of the presented candidates, effectively augmenting the paid media team.
Immediate Contribution:
The newly appointed paid media strategists were able to swiftly integrate into the team and make substantial contributions to managing the heightened workload.
Elevated Campaign Quality:
With the expertise of the new strategists, the agency's campaigns demonstrated improvements in targeting, optimization, and results.